Thursday, January 23, 2014

Why "The Leaking Pitcher", you ask ...

Yes, I admit it. I have been bitten by the blogging bug too.

After years of condescendingly shaking my head and tut-tutting my friends' efforts at creating a ripple in the bloggers' hemisphere, I have decided to hop into the bandwagon and see how it goes.

So here's the deal. This blog is gonna be - like most other blogs out there - totally narcissistic and unapologetically egoistic in nature. However, the one basic point of difference will be that instead of me bombarding you with my opinions and thoughts about various issues in the world (which most of you wouldn't give two hoots about anyway), this blog will be about me reporting in on at least one new thing I learn each day. That's right. Each day.

It could be a recipe, a new way to flush your toilet, a health tip, an ice-cream flavour, a dream destination, what women want, the secret of immortality ... whatever. The point is - every single day from now on, I shall make it a point to know and learn something NEW and interesting. And to make sure that for a change, I follow my resolutions, I shall make it a point to post it on here regularly with my trademark sense of humor, of course.

There are a few primary reasons for this exercise:

- Awesomeness and happiness are two things that increase by sharing. So it would be cool to have others aboard this trip. Remember, you are not followers, but fellow aspirants on the quest towards glory, self-improvement and the Secrets of Getting Six-Pack Abs in Three Minutes Or Less (okay, that last one is a fluke but I needed the keywords for Google search).

- Life is limited, and so is the goddamn posting space on Twitter. Plus, I keep forgetting my password.

- No one cares what I write on Facebook.

- I am not hot or famous enough to post selfies and spend my time watching the Likes soar up.

- In spite of the above-mentioned setbacks, I still consider myself to be a writer, so I need the validation that someone is reading me somewhere at some point of time.

- It's free.

So why a title like The Leaking Pitcher for such a comprehensive-sounding database of topics yet to be explored? The logic is simple. You might have heard somewhere that the mind is like a bottomless pitcher into which you can keep filling in all the knowledge you want, and there will still be space for more.

  Well, I think that's a load of crap, coz the implication there seems to be that whatever you learn in your lifetime stays with you forever inside that infinite pitcher of neurons, whereas the truth is that as you keep learning more and more things in life, you keep forgetting stuff along the way too. And don't give me that drivel about all the information being stored somewhere deep in our subconsciousness. That's like saying, "Hey, I am broke right now, but my late great-grandfather left me this huge fortune in some Swiss locker for which we unfortunately need his retinal scan." If you can't use it, you don't have it. Period.

So in my opinion, the reason the pitcher seems limitless to us is because there is a tiny hole somewhere below that seeps out the stuff it doesn't consider important enough to make room for more content. Hence, the Leaking Pitcher.

So my job right now is to post the stuff that I consider good enough for storing in my pitcher every single day, while you guys can make your own choices of learning whichever things you find good enough for your pitchers.

Let the journey begin .......


  1. Congrats and welcome to the happy world of blogging. Will look forward to you 'regular' posts :)

  2. Thanks a lot, Prats! Am already falling behind in my regularity, but trying my best to keep up :)

  3. Deb, when you start binding yourself with restrictions you'll not be able to fulfill it. Let it flow as it happens. And I. Sure over a period of time you will just enjoy every word you write.
